You can see how much making a card transaction abroad will cost by using our Card Currency Calculator. The calculator is for illustrative purposes only and shows indicative exchange rates for certain currencies to help you understand how much it costs to use your Arbuthnot Latham Debit and Charge Cards abroad and to allow you to choose the best currency conversion option.

For debit and charge card transactions in EU and EEA currencies, we express the currency conversion charges as a percentage mark-up over the latest available euro foreign exchange rates issued by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Currency Calculator

Please note that we will use the VISA FX rate on the date the transaction is processed by VISA and we will apply our Foreign Exchange Conversion Fee. Exchange rates do vary, and the exchange rate when the card transaction is made may differ from the exchange rate used for the conversion. For further details, please refer to your Banking Terms and Conditions.

We offer sterling, euro, and US dollar debit cards. If you would like to find out more, please contact your relationship manager.

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